Социально-экономическое пространство регионов
Создан редакцией научных периодических изданий Сочинского государственного университета
Russian (CIS)
English (United Kingdom)

№1, 25 марта 2020

Actual Problem

1. Matvei S. Oborin
Sanatorium-Resort Activity as an Object of Management in Modern Conditions
Просмотров: 365      Загрузить в pdf


2. Valerii D. Andreev, Tat'yana G. Borisova
The Essence of Risk-Oriented Approach in Supervisory Activity and the Possibility of Its Implementation in Tourism
Просмотров: 412      Загрузить в pdf

3. Tatiana Yu. Anopchenko, Natalia F. Voronina
Realization of Human Potential in Modern Conditions as a Factor of Population Involvement in the Digital Economy of Russia
Просмотров: 394      Загрузить в pdf

4. Anna O. Balabanova
The Research on the Quality of Services Provided by a State-Owned Social Service Institution
Просмотров: 393      Загрузить в pdf

5. Evgeny N. Finadeev, Anastasia A. Finadeeva
Robotization as a Distinguishing Factor in Hospitality Industry
Просмотров: 391      Загрузить в pdf

6. Anastasia A. Finadeeva
Economy of Ecological Tourism
Просмотров: 379      Загрузить в pdf

7. Nadezhda A. Keschyan
The Study of the Resource Potential of Territorial Public Self-Government in the Issues of Effective Management of Municipal Territories
Просмотров: 388      Загрузить в pdf

8. Jeanne A. Ryzhovа, Elena V. Kolesnikova
Organizational and Technological Features of Collective Placement Facilities of the Republic of Crimea and their Impact on the Formation of Segment Reporting
Просмотров: 395      Загрузить в pdf

9. Marina Yu. Sheresheva
Prospects for the Participation of Young Russian Entrepreneurs in the Development of Intergenerational Family Business
Просмотров: 380      Загрузить в pdf

10. Vladimir N. Shkred, Anton D. Murzin
The Аnаlysis of the Organizational and Financial Mechanism of State-Private Partnership in the Regions of the Russian Federation
Просмотров: 401      Загрузить в pdf

11. Svetlana N. Sychanina, Yurik V. Movsisyan
The Experience in Implementing Municipal Youth Policy in the Modern Russian State, based on the example of the Municipality of Krasnodar
Просмотров: 393      Загрузить в pdf

12. Irina S. Toropova
Accounting and Taxation in Tourism Organizations
Просмотров: 389      Загрузить в pdf

full number
Просмотров: 457      Загрузить в pdf

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